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Flags over Eagle Country

Boy Scout Troop 444 has been proud to perform a patriotic service by posting American flags in your neighborhoods for over a decade. Your subscriptions have helped fund Summer Camp and High Adventure activities for our Boy Scouts as well as fund the general operation of the troop.  100% of your money is used within the local Troop directly benefitting the youth of our community.

We are continuing the mail-in subscription program for our subscribers to make the renewal process more convenient. If you have a neighbor that is interested in the program please have them contact us at the email or number below. There is no change to the subscription plan. A Troop 444 Scout will post a 3’ x 5’ flag on a 8’ tall pole in your front yard on the morning of five holidays, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Flag Day, and Veteran’s Day. The flag will be recovered in the evening of the same day.

Please email:

Camp Cards

This sale is a great way for Scouts to earn their way to pay for the camp and program. The card has great value with many discounts to various restaurants and places around Central Arkansas and sells for just $5. Scouts can earn up to $2 per card they sell!


Every Fall scouts go out and sell Popcorn to the community, this is the major fundraiser for the Scouting program.  For over 30 years, Trail’s End has been in partnership with the Boy Scouts of America, and their mission has always been the same: to help Scout packs, troops and councils raise the money needed to fund their programs and activities throughout the year. Your purchase helps to pay for the activities Scouts do, for the camps they attend, and for the equipment they need, like canoes, tents and uniforms.

Each Scout, along with his family, is responsible for raising money for his pack or troop. 70% of your purchase goes back to the Scout, his troop or pack, and his council.

Thank you for your support.



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